Friday, September 13, 2019

Newport Fog

Newport Fog. 8 x 8 acrylic on a cradled gessoed board

It seems that our weather patterns have gotten stuck this September. Here in northeast Wisconsin we are approaching an all time record for rainfall and we have months to go!  The rainy days, foggy days and damp chilly days have given rise to more studio time. Gazing out of my studio window the soft, yet colorful grays led me to this memory of a walk along the trails at Newport State Park. It really isn’t a particular place there but holds the feeling and influence of an early fall snowfall, the lakeshore and the weather.
Frequently, my  goal is to eliminate, to pare down a subject to it’s bare bones.
That is the place where I hope abstraction and realism meet.
You can find this painting on DailyPaintWorks

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